Sunday, March 31, 2024

Power of Agribusiness

    In our community based research, we got to interact with the citizens of Sta. Catalina. Often times and is currently observed everywhere, younger generations nowadays stay indoors soaked in the effect of early exposure to technology. This severed the link between the 'next generations' to traditions. During the CBR, it has been fun to reconnect with people in our hometown. They are all caring and are kind in all aspects.

    One point in our study, we wanted to interview the adults but we were all too shy to approach them. They instead approached us and answered our questions regarding our research paper. They played a big role in the creating of our study, not only as our requirement but also for the town itself. In our study, we concluded that the business industry of agriculture in Sta. Catalina is not extravagant, it is only enough to sustain lives by attaining most of the basic commodities.

    Sta. Catalina is a municipality that showcases peace unlike most cities that are often too crowded and too loud. It is a place wherein anyone and everyone could take a rest and unwind. It serves as a refreshener to people who are having a hard time. The scenery tells us that a rest now will get you a long way ahead of your task. This typically means that you have to regain your energy instead of draining yourself too much and be unproductive.

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