Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Pink, Red, Maroon, and Other Shades

    Pink letters, red roses, maroon gift wraps, we all know it's valentine's day. We see students express their love through these small tokens. Some give it and run away instantly because their shy, some stay and also take pictures with them if they are brave and open enough to do it, some just don't do anything either because they don't feel like it or they think that they don't have any 'chance to be with them' whatsoever. I am included with the latter one, I didn't do anything simply cause I was questioning myself. But this blog isn't centered to me, it is centered to the event.

    Though gift giving does show affection, others prefer to show it using words or actions. Compliments, poems, dates, or anything that they enjoy doing—any hobby. These don't take form in an object, these take form in memories. Memories that would last a lifetime, memories that would make them smile when they randomly think about it at a random time, "The Good Old Times" some might say. 

    The Supreme Secondary Learner Government(SSLG) posted a dress code to show people about their current state. It includes being happy and contented, waiting for someone, ready to fall in love, and many more. I've observed that there were only few people who used red—the color usually used at this event.

    In the end, new relationships were made. Labels, 'upgrade', mutual understanding, anything that shows intimacy. Some even stay 'lowkey', not telling the public that there's something going on, some even 'soft launch' where they slowly reveal who they've been talking to by showing an 'incomplete' picture of that person. 

    Since we're in high school, everyone deserves to do what they want. We're our own authors to the book of our memories. We all just need a little reminder to loose our tenses a little bit 'cause in the end, there would only be ourselves to blame if said book wasn't as happy as it could've been.


123FreeVectors. (n.d.). Red Rose Vector Art. pinterest. Retrieved, February 20 from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/red-rose-vector-art--64598575889691396/

Aleksandra Tarasiuk. (n.d.). Pink Envelope. vecteezy. Retrieved, February 20 from https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/5849538-love-confession-in-a-pink-envelope-with-heart-cartoon-vector-illustration-isolated-on-white-background-saint-valentine-s-day-mail-symbol-of-love-letter

Iconsdb. (n.d.) Maroon gift 3 icon. iconsdb. Retrieved, February 20 from https://www.iconsdb.com/maroon-icons/gift-3-icon.html

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