Sunday, November 5, 2023

First of The Four

    Our journey has been going on for quite some time now. 25% of being grade 10 students have already passed and 75% more until we part ways, I look forward to spending the rest of this time with everyone. I admit, starting off this school year was kind of awkward. Only a portion of the class was familiar since we had to part ways with the ones we were with last school year. The early weeks of this tale felt like there was some sort of barrier between one of us. I've always thought that this was because everyone was thinking that they were still 'Boyle' and 'Becquerel' rather than thinking that they were all 'Maxwell'.

    After quite some time, we've started to synergize with each other. We're all having fun and we will continue to have more fun moments as this school year goes on. From awkward stares, we've gone to infectious laughter. Time is moving and we're done with the awkward phase. It's time we make more memories and help each other out in times of need. We no longer see ourselves merely as classmates, but also as friends.

    It has been an honor being assigned to the section of 'Maxwell'. It has also felt like a legacy among friends that have been assigned to this section before. I guess its name does hold some sort of string—a connection—. Even if everyone seems to be busy with their own lives now, they've all walked down this path before. They've left footprints—the memories that they had—for us to discover. And this time, it is our footprints that are going to be left out for the next Maxwellians. I am proud and confident to finally say.. All is well, Maxwell.


  1. Despite being a marconian, this post made me emotional. As your friend, I may not be your classmate in shs anymore and that makes me sad, realizing us parting ways :(((

  2. It's nice to see you enjoy your time with Maxwell! Although we no longer are classmates, I still consider you as one of my good friends. See you around, Zither. :D

  3. Although we parted ways, I hope that our friendship will last forever. Enjoy your time in Maxwell, Zither.


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