Learning is never as smooth as walking through plains. The path is filled with hills, mountains, and rough roads. These could be very overwhelming as there is just too much and too difficult to go through. But teachers come in to guide us with a path. They are there to help us hike up these challenges and smoothen our journey. They make learning fun and they serve as our guiding light.
Learning is not only etching the contents of a book into our minds. It is about excitement of understanding of what was not previously understood. Teachers also teach their personal experiences in order for students not to repeat their mistakes. For these, we thank you teachers for not limiting teaching with what's in a book but also teaching for what's in your hearts.
10-Maxwell .(2023). Ma'am HK's Last Day . Scontent. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from https://scontent.fcrk2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/376599681_854386823025556_4564169190110828832_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8cd0a 2&_nc_eui2=AeG7__6wu9iNfTJwuMwxz_o_CIXk0vHEENcIheTS8cQQ11r36PVBtLwOGnRvi3YAFRJgbuoqCwXRmucRCwuesjpj&_nc_ohc=0c1WFfO2l2IAX8zfuzU&_nc_ht= scontent .fcrk2-2.fna&oh=03_AdT_9tiLwUeb-7qoIPQ-08lkPM_XQeA_XQFIyg-io_E0Ug&oe=65517766
ISNHS YES-O . (2023). Happy Teacher's Day . Facebook. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=281579421470351&set=a.109941268634168
Teachers are truly the guide for us to be successful...
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate our teachers too. Especially ma’am Evelyn’s great teaching ;)
ReplyDeleteOur beloved teachers truly have a great impact to us.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your love and support to our dearest teacher, especially when it comes to great and concise teachings.
ReplyDeleteTeachers truly have a great impact in our success
ReplyDeleteTeachers have the power to inspire a love of learning and inspire their pupils to realize their greatest potential.