Involving the barangay is a broader section. A larger area is needed to be covered. With the help of 4p's, the job became an easy task. The land surrounding the pond was filled with plastic. This has been the reason why passing the road was hard on the nose. It was also a little overgrown, nevertheless it still meant that the pond was capable of sustaining life. Nature is hurting, but she could still be saved.
Being involved in small school club activities can also help our environment. Coastal clean-ups is one of the major solutions to prevent most of the hindrance plastics have cost us. Sea animals, like turtles, have been dying due to the fact that they mistake these plastics as their own food. They've suffocated because of how people improperly dispose of their trash.ISNHS YES-O. (2023, September 15). International Coastal Cleanup Day . Facebook. Retrieved October 24, 2023, from -7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeEdmGUIM5ssbyKglr7cBf4cixVqhiLwCpKLFWqGIvAKkjnpL_MbvCre14U7H2NtGjpfgJZZhfa1VUsz -dKGbI6U&_nc_ohc=LhGYmz4HBcEAX_i1qcL&_nc_ht=scontent.fcrk2-1.fna&oh=00_AfAMAHjDSwAIqPlQypKi_nWUVMSjEL7rdx2tIT0GawCa1A&oe=653D2078ISNHS YES-O. (2023, September 30). YES-O and SCIENCE CLUB Tree Planting Activity at Pantay Tamurong , Caoayan. Facebook. Retrieved October 24, 2023, from