Monday, October 23, 2023

Plastic - Convenience and Consequence

    Clean environment starts in our home. Encouraging your family to clean with you is a step to a greener surrounding. Cleaning our home does not just mean inside the walls that protect us from calamities. Cleaning our home should involve the area around it. Sweeping or picking up trash from the road doesn't kill you.

    Involving the barangay is a broader section. A larger area is needed to be covered. With the help of 4p's, the job became an easy task. The land surrounding the pond was filled with plastic. This has been the reason why passing the road was hard on the nose. It was also a little overgrown, nevertheless it still meant that the pond was capable of sustaining life. Nature is hurting, but she could still be saved.

    Being involved in small school club activities can also help our environment. Coastal clean-ups is one of the major solutions to prevent most of the hindrance plastics have cost us. Sea animals, like turtles, have been dying due to the fact that they mistake these plastics as their own food. They've suffocated because of how people improperly dispose of their trash.

    Mangroves help in reducing carbon dioxide.
Planting these could help cool off our planet. One of the reasons why Earth is filled with carbon dioxide is the production of plastics. Mangrove planting is a simple solution to this irreversible problem. With the help of the school, we could accomplish these simple tasks and ease our nature's wounds.

ISNHS YES-O. (2023, September 15). International Coastal Cleanup Day . Facebook. Retrieved October 24, 2023, from -7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeEdmGUIM5ssbyKglr7cBf4cixVqhiLwCpKLFWqGIvAKkjnpL_MbvCre14U7H2NtGjpfgJZZhfa1VUsz -dKGbI6U&_nc_ohc=LhGYmz4HBcEAX_i1qcL&_nc_ht=scontent.fcrk2-1.fna&oh=00_AfAMAHjDSwAIqPlQypKi_nWUVMSjEL7rdx2tIT0GawCa1A&oe=653D2078

ISNHS YES-O. (2023, September 30). YES-O and SCIENCE CLUB Tree Planting Activity at Pantay Tamurong , Caoayan. Facebook. Retrieved October 24, 2023, from 

Avoiding Shallow Promises

    On the 25th of February 1986, the EDSA revolution was born. People—filled with discontent and furies—gathered to bring down Ferdinand Marcos causing him to surrender and flee to Hawaii. That said, I do hope that you will not be repeating history and to keep the entire nation contented in your choices. 

    As a young person, I value education a lot. It has been etched in our heads since we were 3. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "Well, you need to study in order to achieve that." Of course, who would want to have a miserable life? Striving hard is what we were born to do. The entire family depends on each other. Your support is needed for all of us in achieving these 'dreams' for we are the seeds that will bloom once the time comes. 

    Agriculture is also on the verge of failure. It is the department to which financial aid is allotted the least. As a nephew and a grandson of a family filled with farmers, changes are to be expected. Your wish to bring down the price of rice to Php 20/kilo is not very promising. What would happen to the farmers? Who would want to sell rice at a low price? They are already suffering enough; it should not be your wish to make it even more miserable. If this is set as one of your plans, you must think about the consequences and how to get around them. Weaving straight through will cause only more chaos and an even worse reputation in your name. 

    Philippines is already in a complicated situation. We do hope that you will leave a great impact in ways that would make living a little less like walking on glass barefoot. I must remind you that being the president does not mean that you do what you want to do, but what the community wants to do.


Sofia Tomacruz. (2022, February 24). edsa revolution 1986 govph file. Rappler. Retrieved October 23, 2023, from

Summit Storylabs. (2021, June 17). spot x regenerative agri. Spot. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Before Your Eyes

    Philippines' resilience. In the face of complications, Filipinos can withstand these. Being resilient is the ability to rise back up from the rummage of the aftermath of a problem. Although the world recognizes the Philippines' "resiliency", this is a mere understatement.

    The Philippines is a 3rd world country with a high rate of population growth, low income, and high unemployment rate. The country hasn't really been progressing much over the years but its community always finds a way to adjust to the problem. After each and every single problem has been overcome, the people are always smiling.

    In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the frontliners have given their very best to survive. Sacrificing anxiety for the entire community. Any moment could be their last while the government is supporting them as their own backbone. 

    People have had a hard time adjusting. With the education of children needed to be postponed before the usage of modules —which was inefficient — and the economy's methods have gone online. A portion of the population needed to take a 2-year break off of their jobs. They had to start another way to make profit which was no easy task.

    The Philippines have tried to get up from these problems, and they have, and will always stand up with a bright face. Yes, the Philippines is indeed a resilient country, and this trait was born off of its own nature. Filipinos have been known to the rest of the world for their kindness. Without their resilience, no one could probably set foot off their homes to see the beautiful nature and culture of the country once more. And these happened before the very eyes of the world.



Newslimne Philippines. (2020). Class Opening 2020: A harbinger for the 'new normal' . Newsline.  Retrieved October 18, 2023, from

The World Bank. (2021, March 11). PHILIPPINES: WB Approves US$500 Million for COVID-19 Vaccines and Pandemic Response to Boost Resilient RecoveryWorld Bank. Retrieved October 18, 2023, from

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Light for The Lost

    "Teaching is a profession that teaches other professions" these are the words I have come across 1 month through the SY 2023-2024 . This statement means teaching is the beginning of a dream. Teacners snaring knowledge in order for students to achieve who they aspire to be. Not too many students understand how really important this is as they are mostly focused on how teachers scold them or having fun with the teachers.

    Learning is never as smooth as walking through plains. The path is filled with hills, mountains, and rough roads. These could be very overwhelming as there is just too much and too difficult to go through. But teachers come in to guide us with a path. They are there to help us hike up these challenges and smoothen our journey. They make learning fun and they serve as our guiding light.

    Learning is not only etching the contents of a book into our minds. It is about excitement of understanding of what was not previously understood. Teachers also teach their personal experiences in order for students not to repeat their mistakes. For these, we thank you teachers for not limiting teaching with what's in a book but also teaching for what's in your hearts.


10-Maxwell .(2023). Ma'am HK's Last Day . Scontent. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from 2&_nc_eui2=AeG7__6wu9iNfTJwuMwxz_o_CIXk0vHEENcIheTS8cQQ11r36PVBtLwOGnRvi3YAFRJgbuoqCwXRmucRCwuesjpj&_nc_ohc=0c1WFfO2l2IAX8zfuzU&_nc_ht= scontent .fcrk2-2.fna&oh=03_AdT_9tiLwUeb-7qoIPQ-08lkPM_XQeA_XQFIyg-io_E0Ug&oe=65517766 

ISNHS YES-O . (2023). Happy Teacher's Day . Facebook. Retrieved October 10, 2023, from 

Cinders and Pebbles

      The fabric of time is a complex matter that even humans, the most intelligent from of species, are not able to comprehend. Whenever th...