Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Cinders and Pebbles

     The fabric of time is a complex matter that even humans, the most intelligent from of species, are not able to comprehend. Whenever the question "How do you see yourself in the future; a decade from now; 15 years from now?" is asked, there is no definite answer that pops up in my head. A wise man once said, there is an infinite amount of outcomes that even a pebble can change the course of time. Now that my thoughts have been settled, the purpose of this blog is only to state the desirable outcome of this lifetime.

   A decade from now, by the time I will be 25, I hope to be already working as a Medical Technologist in Hawaii by the help of my relatives. Graduated from University of the Philippines Diliman—hopefully passed and survived— my prestige lives on and that with a good reputation. I hope to have picked up the necessary information for me to serve people as a living citizen.

    Family wise, I hope that I have taken care of my parents and that have given them the love they need as they are the ones who support me the most. Although I am always anxious about being separated from the group, I hope that no grudge is held between all of us and that I have disregarded the weakness of breaking down when left all alone. I hope to have embraced the darkness that surrounds me when silence walks by.

    I hope to have become independent and that I can live on my own. Sustain my own life, pay my own taxes, live life to the fullest. I hope that I am not stuck as the lamest person in the world, staying up until Five a.m. and that I have met love once in my life. Currently in my state, love has not favored me in my 15 years of living and yes, I would take that deal anytime in my life if it meant that all of my current achievements were to not crumble.

    This is how I hope the future is constructed, though a single mistake could ruin it all. A cinder, how faint it might be, could set everything on fire. I just hope that it would just fade away. These statements were filled with hopes and are wished to come true even if it means to suffer a thousand cuts.


Medium. (2018, June 7). Difference between Freedom & Independence. medium. Retrieved April 23, 2024 from

University of Perpetual Help. (n.d.). Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. perpetualdalta. Retrieved April 23, 2024 from

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Love to Our Life Giver

    Mother's Day is celebrated in the Philippines with special customs that show the great regard and love that Filipinos have for their moms. Mother's Day is an important holiday here. On Mother's Day, families gather to commemorate this important milestone in a variety of meaningful ways.

    Mother's Day is frequently observed across several days in the Philippines. During celebratory dinners, families get together, and the kids cook special delicacies or take their moms to their favorite restaurants. Providing presents is equally important; loved ones show their appreciation and affection by providing heartfelt presents like chocolates, flowers, or personalized souvenirs.

    On Mother's Day, a lot of Filipinos pray for moms and their families or go to special church services. In order to offer mothers more time to rest, family members frequently take up home responsibilities for them on a day off. To make moms feel special, some families take them on trips or to the spa.

    A key element of every Filipino celebration is food. Families may cook their mothers' favorite Filipino foods on Mother's Day, encouraging happy recollections around the dinner table. Some towns host competitions or unique events to honor mothers, bringing a sense of community to the occasion.

    Filipino tradition places a high value on honoring and respecting elderly people, particularly mothers and grandmothers. Youngsters show kindness by volunteering to help with housework or by spending time with you. Poems and messages written by hand that show love and thanks are highly appreciated.

   In a nutshell Mother's Day is a significant way for Filipinos to show their love, respect, and appreciation for their mothers. The emphasis on motherhood's unconditional love and family ties in the traditional Filipino celebrations elegantly reflects Filipino culture and values.


InLife. (2023, April 27). Unique Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day in the Philippines. insularlife. Retrieved, April 18, 2024 from

Maya Kitchen. (2016, June). The Maya Kitchen and Mommy Bloggers Philippines Baking Workshop. artofbeingmom. Retrieved, April 18, 2024 from

Rechilda Estores. (2023, May). Flores De Mayo: Commemoration of Mary in the Philippines. vaticannews. Retrieved, April 18, 2024 from 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Step 1, 2, Oop, Plan B!

    Those who hope for a better, less biased future find great meaning in the admirable goal of changing the world. It is a calling that moves our emotions and urges us to make a difference in the world we live in. If you have the desire to make a difference in the world, the path starts today, not in the far future.

    The first step in changing the world is realizing how powerful one's own power is and that significant change frequently originates internally. It all begins with a vision: a vision that forces you to picture a society in which injustices are corrected, communities flourish, and each person is given the opportunity to realize their greatest potential.

    Finding your passion and purpose is essential to starting this life-changing adventure. What causes you to become angry? Is it social justice, school reform, environmental sustainability, or something else entirely? Once you have identified your area of emphasis, you can focus your efforts and resources on making a real difference.

    Furthermore, immediate action is required to change the world. The world is always changing, and there are new chances to bring about change—no matter how tiny or big—every day. Begin by taking part in local initiatives, volunteering for groups that share your values, or speaking up in favor of causes that you find important.

    In the pursuit of change, awareness and education are key elements. Prepare yourself with information about the causes you care about. Participate in interesting discussions, read books, hear from people with different viewpoints, and attend workshops. Learning for yourself improves your comprehension and gives you the resources you need to effectively influence for others.

    Even if wanting to make a difference in the world might seem overwhelming, keep in mind that group efforts frequently have a greater influence than solo ones. Make connections with groups and individuals who share your vision. To increase your influence, work together, share resources, and take advantage of group strengths.

    Also, transforming the world involves a constant process of learning, resilience, and flexibility rather than a straight line. Accept obstacles as chances for personal development and stick to your goals in the face of difficulties. Continue to be adaptive, responsive, and fluid in your thinking. 

    Finally, developing a welcoming, compassionate, and empathetic mindset is the first step towards changing the world. Recognize that each and every person has an impact on the world we live in. We can promote significant change that strengthens and boosts everyone by developing empathy and making an effort to comprehend a range of situations.

    In conclusion, realize that the journey to changing the world begins right now, wherever you are, if that is your goal. Embrace the transforming power of empathy, follow your passion, educate yourself, work with others, and take real action. Let's set out on our shared mission to build a more fair, just, and sustainable world for future generations.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Sacrificial Lambs

     Araw ng kagitingan, also known as Day of Valor, is celebrated every 9th of April to commemorate thousands of American and Filipino soldiers who marched to their death to reach another base in San Fernando, Pampanga. Captured civilians and soldiers died of starvation, dehydration, and diseases, while those unable to continue in the march were brutally murdered, even beheaded by the Japanese troops. They served as the sacrificial lamb, taking every hit of violence for the innocent caused by the declaration of war of the Nazis.


    The Day of Valor is a significant day honoring the heroism and sacrifices of Filipino and American soldiers during World War II. It serves as a poignant reminder of the bravery and resilience displayed by those who fought for freedom and democracy against tyranny and oppression.

    To this date, we honor our ancestors for giving their predecessors, all of us, a chance of the future. They've given us an environment free of harm and full of joy. Their heavy actions in the past made a significant impact to this date and we are forever grateful instilling a day for them yearly and forevermore.


Christopher Klein. (2011 November 19). Filipino Americans Fought With US in WWII, Then Had to Fight for Veterans’ Benefits. history. Retrieved April 12, 2024, from

Philippine Information Agency. (2024, March 27). 82nd Araw ng Kagitingan and Philippine Veterans Week 2024 to highlight Filipino Veterans Role in Promoting Unity in the Country. Retrieved April 12, 2024 from

Tatler. (2024, April 8). Do You Know Why We Remember ‘Araw Ng Kagitingan’?tatlerasia. Retrieved April 12, 2024 from

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Power of Agribusiness

    In our community based research, we got to interact with the citizens of Sta. Catalina. Often times and is currently observed everywhere, younger generations nowadays stay indoors soaked in the effect of early exposure to technology. This severed the link between the 'next generations' to traditions. During the CBR, it has been fun to reconnect with people in our hometown. They are all caring and are kind in all aspects.

    One point in our study, we wanted to interview the adults but we were all too shy to approach them. They instead approached us and answered our questions regarding our research paper. They played a big role in the creating of our study, not only as our requirement but also for the town itself. In our study, we concluded that the business industry of agriculture in Sta. Catalina is not extravagant, it is only enough to sustain lives by attaining most of the basic commodities.

    Sta. Catalina is a municipality that showcases peace unlike most cities that are often too crowded and too loud. It is a place wherein anyone and everyone could take a rest and unwind. It serves as a refreshener to people who are having a hard time. The scenery tells us that a rest now will get you a long way ahead of your task. This typically means that you have to regain your energy instead of draining yourself too much and be unproductive.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Third of The Four

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. These are some of the measurements of time. Each time you blink, time passes by, it could be just seconds, or you could remember blinking months ago. Blinking only steps forward in time, you cannot blink backwards. 2 months, that's all there is left for 4th Quarter. It could take 300,000 blinks and it will feel as if you've blinked only once. This school year was cut short and that everyone will part ways soon. 

This third quarter, several events came up. One of which was the Division Schools Press Conference. Participating in this event was enjoyable. I got to be friends with the soon-to-be-graduates. Although it was fun, I don't feel like I would join again on senior high school, considering the much more advanced and tight schedule.

Feburary celebrated the Mathematics month and held different events. Each event had their own perspective prizes and they also staged a rubik's cube speed contest. The final ranking was held during the awarding as a way of entertainment. 

This quarter, we also got to celebrate the 122nd Foundation Day of ISNHS, showcasing the talents of the students through field demonstrations of festivals. 

March is also celebrated as the Women's Month, and our thematic output was centered on this. Several events were on hold due to the fact that the 3rd Quarter exams were held on this month. We also went to different studios to get our own gradports early for it to be edited soon and not rushed.

Several outputs were rushed but we managed to survive. Couple more months 'till we say our fairwells and no one will ever be prepared for this. We'll miss every loud chatters heard on all four corners of the classroom. A beginning always have an end and this is the only race where everyone wants to be slow and finish last.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Pit Senyor!

    On March S.Y. 2023-2024, we celebrated the 122nd High School Day Celebration. Students of Grade levels 7 through 10 prepared a field demonstration in the form of festival dances. Each grade level had their own corresponding festivals and are divided into 2 groups whereas males and females do not perform the same dance.

    Grade 7 males presented Dinaklisan Festival which originated in Curimao. Dinaklisan Festival is celebrated as thanksgiving and tribute to their patron saint, Nuestra Seniora Dela Paz. This is a reminder to the fishermen and residents of God's blessings to them for bountiful harvest and being safe at sea when fishing. Their props included oars, hats, and illustrations of fishes. Their oar consisted of 2 colors, yellow and blue, which divided their sections. 

    Grade 7 females presented Tadek Festival which originated in Nueva Era. Tadek Festival is a ceremonial dance performed as an expression of happiness for an atainment of victory, courtship and marriage, and even after burial when remembering the dead. Their props included baskets with their crops.

    For Grade 8 males, they presented their Panagbenga-based field demo. Their props composed of cone hats, red cloth, and a basket with a flower. Panagbenga Festival is celebrated as tribute to Baguio City's flowers and as a way to rise from the devastation of the 1990 Luzon earthquake.

    For Grade 8 females, also presented their field demo with Panagbenga-based field demo. Their props composed of flower headdress and flower fans.

    Grade 9 males presented their filed demo inspired by the Bagani warriors. Bagani refers to the warriors-leaders of various Lumad ethnic groups of the island of Mindanao. Their props included feathers for headdress, a shield, and a spear. A unique move was presented by these Grade 9 students, they utilized a huge bamboo stick in order to carry a student at one end of the stick whilst a number of them raised the stick from one end.

    The Grand Champion for females, the Grade 9 students presented Tobacco Festival. Tobacco Festival is a festival of culture, history, agriculture, and cityhood of Candon. Their props included tobacco headdress and tobacco leaves utilizing plastic bottles as its handle.

    The Grand Champion for males, the Grade 10 students presented Sinulog Festival. It is a festival celebrating the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines, symbolized by the Sto. NiƱo. This is held every third Sunday of January in Cebu. Their props included a headdress with flames, and a fan composed of layers of colors with a candle as its closed form.

    The Grade 10 females also presented Sinulog Festival. Their props included a stick shaped like an oval and was covered with crepe paper to create a ripple effect.

    The high school day also presented booths for the different clubs. The YES-O Club established a thrift store. They sold different kinds and brands of clothing as well as fans of Vigan.

    We can never forget the concert for a cause in the Centennial Gymnasium at 2:00 pm. The concert was performed by a band, and students of the school. The songs were themed as either love or broken songs. Majority of the students did relate to the songs as they were singing along with the band wholeheartedly.

    This all happened during the 122nd Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School. It was celebrated with bright colors and warm smiles.

Cinders and Pebbles

      The fabric of time is a complex matter that even humans, the most intelligent from of species, are not able to comprehend. Whenever th...