The fabric of time is a complex matter that even humans, the most intelligent from of species, are not able to comprehend. Whenever the question "How do you see yourself in the future; a decade from now; 15 years from now?" is asked, there is no definite answer that pops up in my head. A wise man once said, there is an infinite amount of outcomes that even a pebble can change the course of time. Now that my thoughts have been settled, the purpose of this blog is only to state the desirable outcome of this lifetime.
A decade from now, by the time I will be 25, I hope to be already working as a Medical Technologist in Hawaii by the help of my relatives. Graduated from University of the Philippines Diliman—hopefully passed and survived— my prestige lives on and that with a good reputation. I hope to have picked up the necessary information for me to serve people as a living citizen.
I hope to have become independent and that I can live on my own. Sustain my own life, pay my own taxes, live life to the fullest. I hope that I am not stuck as the lamest person in the world, staying up until Five a.m. and that I have met love once in my life. Currently in my state, love has not favored me in my 15 years of living and yes, I would take that deal anytime in my life if it meant that all of my current achievements were to not crumble.
This is how I hope the future is constructed, though a single mistake could ruin it all. A cinder, how faint it might be, could set everything on fire. I just hope that it would just fade away. These statements were filled with hopes and are wished to come true even if it means to suffer a thousand cuts.
Medium. (2018, June 7). Difference between Freedom & Independence. medium. Retrieved April 23, 2024 from
University of Perpetual Help. (n.d.). Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. perpetualdalta. Retrieved April 23, 2024 from